At first, it seems easy, but no one can identify which chicken is different

No matter who we are, we will all have to take examinations at some point in our lives. A classroom setting may deliver some of these tests, while others may simply be part of the “school of hard knocks.”

Because there is so much pressure to perform well on exams, some people dislike taking them. On the other hand, sometimes we take exams without recognizing them—or we even seek them out for the right reasons.

This includes an evaluation to assess your IQ and overall level of intellect. Enjoy these tests without sharing the results. The design solely caters to your visual senses.

The image that follows illustrates this concept. Because no one can tell which chicken is different, the image has gone viral.

It requires a keen eye and a high IQ to tell which of these hens is distinct. Many have attempted, but few have succeeded.

If you need a clue, look at each bird and see if there are any changes. By the way, this makes the task more difficult rather than easier.

To avoid having to scroll back up, here’s the image again:

You only had one task to complete, and the picture featured eight horses. I loved it, even though it was a test.

Who doesn’t like chickens, after all? Although we don’t have any chickens in our backyard, many people use them as decorations because they find them amusing.

You may be questioning whether we can solve the problem at this stage. Perhaps you’re ready for the response and have given up on the process.

We would gladly supply you with the answer, but please understand that once you see it, there is no turning back.

Let us analyze the photographs to discover how they differ.