The tiniest infant in history was born recently in Singapore from a clinic, weighing only 212 grams and measuring a minuscule 24 centimeters in length.
Her name is Kuek Yu Xuan, and she is fine right now. The baby’s mother, Won Mei Lin, works in Singapore, while the family resides in Malaysia.
There is also an older son in the household, who is 4 years old right now. Initially, the pregnancy appeared to be normal, everything was well, and the couple was getting ready to have children, but in June, she suddenly experienced excruciating abdominal discomfort.
She was admitted to the hospital right away, where preeclampsia was determined to be her condition. When this condition strikes, blood pressure rises to extremely dangerous levels, and internal organ edema starts.
The mother’s and child’s lives were in danger. When the gestation period was only 25 weeks out of 40, doctors decided to perform an emergency cesarean section.
This clinic’s doctors have never before seen an infant so little. There was minimal likelihood that the baby could breastfeed.
The neonatologist claimed that the medication doses were adjusted for her individually, down to tenths. To ensure that diapers only made minimum skin contact with the infant, they had to be folded and trimmed.
And finally, after 13 hard months, a young child comes home. Parents had to spend a significant amount for therapy, but kind city dwellers chipped in to make ends meet.
The infant now measures 6 kilograms, 300 grams. She can’t fully breathe because of a chronic lung condition brought on by her premature birth.
Additionally, specialists predict that Yu Xuan’s condition will become better. This infant is a true miracle and a glimmer of hope for his parents as well as for the entire nation of Singapore.