Haden Edwards, now 10 years old, has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and autism his entire life. However, he has recently found one thing that can help him relax and that is taking care of his younger brother, Max.
Max, who is 7 years old and is battling a hereditary illness known as neurofibromatosis, often experiences a wide range of symptoms, including abdominal cramping, motor tics, and a compromised immune system.
In August of 2016, he underwent brain surgery, but the procedure was a failure, and the time is soon approaching when his parents will need to decide whether to try again or begin chemotherapy treatment.
When Haden began accompanying Max to his doctor’s appointments, he began to gain a better understanding of how resilient his younger brother actually was.
Therefore, he went to his mother, Cynthia Davis, and asked her if he could borrow some money in order to purchase some toys for Max.
Even when she suggested that he might earn his allowance by mowing the grass or doing the dishes, Haden decided that he would rather put his artistic abilities to use.
Haden placed a table on the front yard of the family’s home and hung a banner over it that read “Selling Drawings for Mad Max: $1.”
Haden’s mother made a public appeal on Facebook, inviting friends to take him up on his offer to draw them a painting, and within a quarter of an hour, thirty individuals had arrived to make the request of the young artist.
Since then, Haden’s one-of-a-kind drawings have helped him raise more than $1,000. He spends every penny he makes on Max, whether it’s on taking him out for ice cream or purchasing LEGO sets for him. Max is his top priority.
His compassion has now spread to the rest of his life; he now volunteers for the group Meals on Wheels, buys meals for local police officers, hosts fundraisers for organizations that are in need, and grows out his hair so that he may donate it to the organization Locks of Love.
Cynthia spoke with Inside Edition that it can be challenging to help her autistic son maintain a healthy sense of self-esteem.
“There is no longer a problem with that. When he receives a fresh [photo] request, his face immediately beams with excitement.
Donating to the family’s GoFundMe page, which may be found at this location, will allow you to help the family with their financial needs.