Five children were arrested in connection with the brutal m*rder of 80-year-old dog walker

Over the weekend, an old man in the United Kingdom reportedly died while walking his dog, and local officials have detained five minors, all under the age of 15, in connection with the incident.

Bhim Sen Kohli, 80, died as a result of the alleged attack on Sunday, September 1, at a park in a town in England’s Leicestershire county, according to local officials.

The police statement did not name him, but numerous websites such as the Leicester Mercury, The Telegraph, and Sky News have recognized him.

Kohli died after being rushed to the hospital, according to Leicestershire police, who have arrested five persons on suspicion of murder, including two 14-year-olds and three 12-year-olds. The Telegraph reported Kohli’s death on Monday.

The police statement claims that a “serious” attack occurred while Kohli was out walking his dog. The accused allegedly fled the area before emergency personnel arrived.

According to LBC UK, a neighbor who heard the incident characterized it as a violent fight.

The neighbor, who remained anonymous in the article, said, “He was lying in the park, screaming in pain.” He claimed that someone violently pushed him over.

In the print edition of the Leicester Mercury, Kohli’s daughter reported that an attack occurred just seconds away from his house. According to LBC UK, she discovered him lying behind a tree with a neck injury, claiming he couldn’t move his legs.

The lady, whose identity remains undisclosed in the papers, informed the Leicester Mercury that the suspects allegedly shoved the elderly man before kicking him in the neck and spine.

According to The Telegraph, his neighbor Deep Singh Kalia recalls Kohli, who allegedly owned a textile factory, as “gentle” and “lovely”.

Kalia, 70, told the publication that they would see each other every day.

“He loved his dog and loved his family,” Kalia stated. She went on to say, “I don’t know why anyone would have wanted to do something like this to him.”

His death is currently under investigation as a murder, according to a senior investigator with Leicestershire police, but it’s unclear what charges the accused would face.