Guy made hidden apartment in part of mall that wasn’t being used. He lived there for four years before he got caught

While the idea of living inside a mall may seem romanticized to some, very few individuals have the opportunity to test whether it lives up to the hype.

However, in the mid-2000s, a small group of friends decided to put this theory to the test by taking up residence within an abandoned area of the Providence Place Mall for four years until they were eventually evicted.

Led by Michael Townsend, these friends established their living quarters within the Rhode Island mall and occupied it from 2003 to 2007.

Townsend first noticed the unused section of the mall during his daily jog, having observed it lying dormant for several years. When he was forced to vacate his condominium due to impending demolition, he seized the opportunity to make the abandoned mall area his new home.

Interestingly, the developers who displaced Townsend were the same individuals responsible for constructing the mall, adding a touch of cosmic justice to Townsend’s decision to inhabit the mall.

Joined by seven fellow artists, Townsend and his companions decided to occupy the vacant mall space, undeterred by the potential challenges.

Despite the inherent risks, such as potential discovery and eviction, the group remained undeterred in their pursuit.

They ingeniously concealed their living quarters, constructing a cinderblock wall to mask their presence within the mall.

Within their makeshift abode, Townsend and his friends fashioned a comfortable living space complete with a dining area, television, and even a PlayStation 2.

Reflecting on their experience, Townsend expressed that their endeavor provided them with a unique opportunity to redefine the concept of home within the confines of a mall.

Their plans to further enhance their living space were abruptly halted in 2007 when security guards intervened, escorting them out of the premises and leading to Townsend’s arrest for trespassing.

Fortunately, Townsend’s legal troubles did not result in significant repercussions, as he was placed on probation for the misdemeanor offense.

Addressing the motivations behind their unconventional living arrangement, Townsend emphasized that their actions were driven by a desire to better understand the mall environment and the consumerist lifestyle it represents.

Despite the skepticism surrounding their unconventional lifestyle, Townsend came to view the mall as a home like any other, albeit with a unique perspective that few individuals can ever truly comprehend.