Justine Bateman, a famous Hollywood star, says that she wants to age naturally, despite pressure. Here is how she looks now

It’s no secret that Hollywood celebrities, particularly women, feel the need to appear beautiful as they age. We hear all the time about the latest cosmetic procedures and practices that celebrities employ to look youthful.

Some individuals, such as Justine Bateman, prefer to accept their natural appearance and age gracefully, despite societal pressures.

Justine Bateman is an actor, director, and writer best known for playing Mallory in the 1980s comedy Family Ties. She also appeared in the film Men Behaving Badly and has recurrent roles on television programs such as Still Standing and Desperate Housewives. This is the older sister of actor Jason Bateman.

She expressed to 60 Minutes Australia, “I simply don’t care.” “I like the way I look.” I believe my face reflects the sort of person I am. “I like it.”

“I wish I could erase not only all the power I have now but also the idea that I am a different person now than I was 20 years ago.” I enjoy seeing that proof when I look in the mirror.

Justine Bateman is currently 57 years old. Like many other actors her age, Justine Bateman has faced requests for plastic surgery, but she has chosen to embrace her age instead.

When Bateman was 40, she said that others made harsh comments about her appearance, comparing her naturally aging face to that of a “sea hag” and a “meth addict.” She believed she needed surgery or Botox to improve her appearance.

In 2021, she told People: “I thought my face looked fine.” “Then, because of fears I had that had nothing to do with my face, I chose to prove them right and prove myself wrong…” I felt terrible, deeply embarrassed by my appearance.

However, Bateman ultimately opted to disregard the criticisms about her appearance and accept that she was naturally aging. She warned him, “Changing your face won’t get rid of that fear.”

“You will look different after getting plastic surgery.” Okay. You’ll understand, but your fear remains unresolved. Fear will not go away. I believe the purpose of all this cosmetic surgery is to impress others.

The actress, who wrote about this issue in her book Face: One Square Foot of Skin, said she is “sad” for women who are considering plastic surgery and hopes they can appreciate their natural beauty.

She told 60 Minutes, “It makes me sad that they’re not just enjoying life.” “I feel bad that the idea that they need to fix their face before anything else can happen is taking their attention away from the things they should be doing…”

Justine Bateman appears to be an attractive woman. People should not feel compelled to modify their appearance. Thank you, Justine Bateman, for encouraging more women to let their bodies age naturally.

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