Shocking moment was caught on camera: woman jumps into polar bear enclosure and gets att*cked

The polar bears at the Berlin Zoo attacked a 32-year-old woman who entered their cage on Friday while they were feeding them.

Before anyone could save her, they had bitten her several times. The woman, only known as Mandy K, had to scale a wall, a row of hedges, and a fence to get inside.

While feeding the bear at the Berlin Zoo, the woman leaped over the bars, inflicting injuries on her back, arms, and legs. One of the bears attacked the victim on the arms and legs several times, even though six zookeepers tried to distract the four predators. The zookeepers successfully frightened off the bear, saving the victim.

After undergoing surgery to heal her wounds, the 32-year-old woman is currently recuperating in the hospital. Then, it became clear that the woman, a teacher, had lost all hope due to her inability to secure employment. If your friends have plans to visit the zoo, please share this news on Facebook.