The family dumps dog with deformed face, but then angel visits and makes everything right…

Lucky had no reason to appreciate his life. All of the owners and families he had been with had abandoned him; none were interested in offering him the affection he deserved.

Lucky was born in a puppy factory and never found anyone who wanted to adopt him. Finally, he was given away for free.

What’s the reason? Lucky had a deformed face and did not resemble other canines.

Moving from one location to another throughout his childhood prevented Lucky from settling down or establishing his own identity. No one wanted to keep him for too long, so they frequently gave him to the next owner for free.

Lucky has had several owners over the years, but none of them have fully addressed his needs. Recently, in Austin, Texas, a family mistreated him and left him on his own.

Lucky had to spend the entire day outside because the family’s cats hated him.

They left him in the yard, chained to a tree, without food or a safe place to sleep. It was impossible to provide him with the fuss and love a dog would typically receive at home.

When the family decided to relocate, they decided to get rid of Lucky without hesitation.

They called a local dog shelter. Volunteers from the shelter began looking for a new home for him to live in, while Lucky remained with his ‘family’ until they relocated.

The animal shelter eventually found a new home to foster Lucky in. They quickly changed their minds after seeing Lucky’s expression and canceled the move.

Fortunately, a post on social media altered everything.

Before posting a few pictures of Lucky on social media, one of the shelter’s volunteers brought him for grooming.

Jamie Hult saw the article and immediately wished to see the dog.

“It just happened to be someone from my dog rescue group, so I immediately phoned him and said, ‘I want that puppy. Jamie told iHeartdogs, “I don’t even want to foster it; I want to take that dog.”

Saving Lucky

Unfortunately, Lucky was not in excellent shape. After years of cruelty and neglect, he suffered from malnutrition, among other things.

Fleas and worms infested him, and he had never received a microchip.

However, Jamie chose to bring him home. It wouldn’t be easy, but she’d do it no matter what.

Jamie helped Lucky find his permanent home. He finally received the affection and attention he had been seeking for so long.

It’s been a difficult journey, but Lucky has fully recovered and is now enjoying life as a healthy dog.

“He almost did not make it. He remained in the oxygen tank for a week. I spent $8,000 on therapy, including an MRI, to determine the reason of his infestation. “He was like skin and bones,” Jamie describes.

Close to death.

Jamie was so determined to assist Lucky that she was willing to go to any length to restore his health.

“It was a close call; we almost lost him once. I told my vet, ‘I don’t care; for this specific dog, just do whatever you need to do, and I’ll pay whatever it costs. Do not hold back. He made it. He is healthy. He’s in the clear.

Lucky was able to turn things around. He’s presently doing great!

Jamie has had to endure a number of disparaging remarks about his appearance after adopting Lucky. She doesn’t care; she adores Lucky for who he is.

Jamie explains: “When I first bought him, I wanted him to be associated with people, but people were asking about his face and laughing at him. I said, ‘Don’t worry, go ahead and laugh. I started sewing neckties for him. He needs to keep his face balanced, and perhaps the tie will make him appear more attractive and less intimidating.

Jamie even chose to change Lucky’s name. She called him Beaux Tox for two reasons.

“The reason I named him Beaux Tox is because he needs Botox, which is OK. We value beauty in all forms. The cost of the dog bills is a significant factor in my decision not to have Botox.

Lucky is, by all accounts, a joyful and lovable dog. He cares for his younger sister, and he has helped nurture the kittens Jamie adopted.

“I’m grateful I got Beaux, and we still rescue and foster,” Jamie said. “He has fostered kittens. Beaux Tox is good at everything. He’s friendly with kittens, baby skunks, and cats. He will observe the tarantula for an hour. He finds everything intriguing and thrilling.

What a touching adoption tale, and a perfect example of why you can never judge a book by its cover. Just because an animal appears different from the others does not make it any less deserving of a chance in life.

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