Warning: This page contains discussions on cosmetic surgery that some readers may find upsetting.
One of the comments on a before-and-after photo of a woman who underwent surgery was, ‘Damn! Damn! Damn!’
Now, normally, I wouldn’t recommend cosmetic surgery to anyone, but after witnessing the full revitalization of one lady, I wouldn’t interfere with her plans.
A surgeon’s YouTube channel released a viral video that showed how one of his clients looked after visiting him.
Dr. Carl Truesdale, a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon based in Beverly Hills, California, has posted his work on YouTube and Instagram, and people are baffled as to how he made one woman appear years younger.
“My patients say they’ve entered the Truesdale Time Machine because they leave surgery looking 20 years younger, yet still look like themselves,” the doctor says in his YouTube bio.
And I don’t believe he’s lying. Let’s go through the video.
When Truesdale inquires, “What are we doing today?” his patient replies, “I’m undergoing a deep planner facelift, a deep planner neck lift, an upper blepharoplasty, a lower upper blepharoplasty, a skin pinch due to my excess baggage, a brow lift, a chin implant, and fat transfer.”
Immediately, you might assume that there’s too much work to be done all at once to make it look nice, right? Well, apparently not.
When you compare the before and after images, she looks totally different; she appears more refreshed and less fatigued.
One person commented on YouTube:
“Wow!!!! This is the only before-and-after I’ve seen with flawless results. She handled the operation wonderfully.
“It looks so natural and not overdone, and it’s drawn so tightly that her head appears to be dragged through a vacuum tube.” This doctor did an amazing job, and this woman looks amazing.”
Someone else wrote, “You performed the plastic surgery correctly!” She looks fresh and natural, demonstrating your talent as an artist!
A third individual expressed, “I would have never realized she had any work done if you had simply presented the end product without any background information.” I know we’ll never look precisely like we did when we were younger, but I can only imagine how pleased she was with the end results.
I just checked her age! Holy crap, she’s 57?! She appears to be between 30 and 35 years old! Her appearance is as smooth as a silk robe.
With a fourth addition: “DAMN! DAMN!” DAMN! I had no idea how this one would go, but DAMN!
“She resembles her little grandchild! Wow! She looks amazing! Wow! That is fantastic! Whew! She has aged from 60 to her late 20s and early 30s. She looks fantastic!” I know she’s happy!”