Alyona Tskayeva, who is now 16 years old, will attend her high school prom and has already completed school. If a special forces soldier had not saved her 6-month-old child during the 2004 takeover of a school in Beslan, this holiday would not have occurred in her life.
These images of Elbrus Gogichev carrying a toddler circulated over the globe and came to represent the catastrophe.
Even after 16 years, the man hasn’t fully healed from that awful incident. However, he did attend the Beslan school the other day since Alyona had invited him to her graduation.
Before the party, the girl spoke with Gogichaev, and then the man hastily left. Elbrus prefers to forget about that day and does not enjoy responding to questions from journalists.
Alyona and Elbrus have already spoken to one another after the incident. The man was at the school zone on September 1, ten years ago.
Because to him, the daughter affectionately addresses him as “Uncle Elbrus” and shows him a lot of love and respect because she has a long life ahead of her!
It’s comforting to know that there are heroic individuals, real heroes, in our world.