When his army son sends him a birthday message, Dad breaks down in tears. Then something unexpected happens…

When someone celebrates their birthday, there is unquestionably cause for celebration. This is especially true when marking a big milestone like a first birthday, 21st birthday, or 50th birthday. On this special occasion, family and friends usually go out of their way to treat the birthday boy or girl. It might be a celebration, a small gathering, thoughtful gifts, or just a lovely message or phone call.

So, when one man turned 50, he chose to celebrate with a room full of loved ones. Despite the friendly and cheerful atmosphere, a single individual was not present. Due to his military deployment, the birthday boy’s son was unable to attend the party. As a result, his child personally recorded a video greeting for his father. The tourists gathered to watch the terrifying video.

When his kid appeared on the television screen, the guy burst into tears. His heart was burdened because, despite his pride in his son’s patriotism, he was unable to celebrate his birthday with him. His child walks in suddenly.

Needless to say, the father’s emotions became even more uninhibited as he expressed his immense excitement. He was able to embrace his beloved child and spend the rest of the evening with someone he greatly missed. The gathering made everyone happy, and they proceeded to celebrate the wonderful day with people who genuinely cared.