With Kids in Meltdown Mode, Mom’s Day is Saved When…

Earlier this month, a caring police officer saw a mother who was having difficulty keeping her two children under control while shopping at Walmart. The officer did not waste any time in offering aid to the mother.

Madison Gail Obrien and her roommate were walking into the Kennesaw superstore from the parking lot when they observed the unidentified mother take a “screaming toddler and a car seat with a crying baby” out of her vehicle.

Madison Gail Obrien is the one who wrote this article.

According to what Obrien said on Facebook, “as you can imagine, and as we were thinking, she most certainly had her hands full.”

However, because a nearby police officer saw the mother struggling and chose to assist her, the mother did not have to take care of the children by herself.

“As we proceeded to walk and gave [the woman] a friendly smile, we noticed a police officer getting out of his patrol car and approaching the mother.

We observed as he took the tiny kid by the hand as they walked into the grocery shop after having inquired if he could be of assistance and then grabbing the child’s hand.

Reportedly, the police officer brought a shopping cart to the mother, wished her a happy evening, and then parted ways with her.

After thirty minutes had passed, Obrien was standing in line at the pay when she witnessed the same supermom making her way up to the register while holding her infant in one arm and her shopping cart in the other.

After then, the child approached his mother holding a small toy and inquired as to whether or not she could acquire it for him.

“I’m sorry baby, we can’t get it today,” the mother said, according to Obrien’s writing. “The mom replied attempting to smile, but with grief written all over her face.”

The young child started crying and followed his mother to the checkout counter while sobbing uncontrollably.

Obrien states that she and her roommate were left feeling so devastated by the transaction that they considered purchasing the toy for themselves.

It turned out that they didn’t need to since the same officer who was in the parking lot went up to the crying youngster and asked him if he wanted the toy even though he was crying.

“The boy shook his head yes (still with tears running down his face), and the cop took the boy’s hand, picked out the toy, and then proceeded to not only buy the toy, but also this mom’s entire grocery cart of food as well. ”

“The boy shook his head yes (still with tears running down his face), and the cop took the boy’s hand, picked out the toy, and then the cop proceeded to buy We were awestruck as we observed this great police officer and his generous heart in action!

Obrien took a picture of the tender moment and uploaded it to Facebook, where it has since garnered an outpouring of support from people all around the world.

Officer Matt Wilson, a dedicated police officer who has served the station for more than a decade, has been named by the Kennesaw Police Department as the kind of officer that showed compassion to the victim.

Obrien concluded her account of the heartwarming interaction by noting, “He wasn’t doing it for publicity, and he wasn’t doing it to appear ‘good.'”

He had no notion that anyone was even looking in his direction. He was merely an upstanding citizen who wanted to make the world a better place.

And with all this hatred and negativity going on, there are moments when we need to be reminded that there are still so many nice individuals in this world!