34-year-old Becky O’Brien is a mother of five children. She just got out of an abusive marriage. When one of the judges asked her how she came up on Britain’s Got Talent, she said her eldest kid inspired her.
Her eldest kid advised her, “Why don’t you show Simon Cowell how it’s done!” when they were watching a BGT performance on television. Becky is a gutsy, brave person. Blessed with a fantastic voice and five gorgeous children, she is likely to steal millions of hearts around the world.
Becky selects the ideal music for a mother of five children: “Somewhere Over the Rainbow,” a famous and timeless song that has moved millions of people across the world. Harold Arlen and E.Y. Harburg wrote it, and Judy Garland sang it for the first time in the 1939 film The Wizard of Oz.
Please leave us a Facebook comment with your thoughts after seeing the amazing film below! I thoroughly enjoyed the film, and I must admit, I shed a few tears as it concluded. I wish she shines all over the world with her captivating voice. Please leave us a Facebook comment with your thoughts after seeing the amazing film below!