After months of trying to get pregnant, doctor notices something, and he immediately tells parents shocking news…

Jenny and Chris Marr of Dallas recently became parents to identical quadruplet boys, an extremely unusual event. Jenny, still accustomed to the concept, joked that they would need a new automobile to fit their growing family.

Their surprise began when they assumed they were carrying twins, only to find three heartbeats. Dr. Ryan Reinheirt then announced the fantastic news of quadruplets during an ultrasound. Chris joked that he wouldn’t be returning since he was expecting a fifth baby.

These four males are identical, the result of a single egg splitting four times without using reproductive medicines. Only 72 reported occurrences of identical quadruplets exist worldwide, making this an extraordinary event. Chris and Jenny grew up as only children, and they never imagined having a large family.

Jenny ate 3,000 calories per day during her pregnancy because she was constantly hungry from the boys’ activity and growth. Hudson, Harrison, Henry, and Hardy, the infants in the NICU, are doing well, and Jenny is healing nicely.

This wonderful adventure has resulted in the couple creating an incredible family that they never imagined.