Cat can hardly believe his parents have welcomed a new child into the world. The cat’s response is hard to forget!

When a newborn first meet their new sibling or sister, it’s usually nothing to make fun of.

The main gathering is incredibly fascinating and enjoyable. Additionally, the options for acknowledging the creatures are not as plentiful.

Although cats are friendly, you can’t be sure that they’ll love someone outside of their immediate family.

It’s more of an unexpected treat for this cat, though, who was absolutely shocked when she realized that her owners had not said they were expecting a child.

Reina, the dark-striped cat, looks at the camera with wide eyes and an open mouth as if she is completely surprised.

The couple who submitted the picture anonymously wrote, “We did not inform our cat we had a baby.”

You’ll be relieved to learn that Reina has since warmed to the new addition to the brood and that she is currently coexisting with the child in a relaxed manner.

She’s actually performing a few pranks, though, to make sure she isn’t ignored.