Dad creates amusing photos of his daughters dressed as characters, and they are simply too funny! Here are the pictures!

Pictures of a father named Sholom Ber Solomon and his daughter engaged in a variety of ridiculous acts garnered a lot of attention five years ago.

The father and daughter’s connection is still growing today, and they now ask Olivia, their sister who was born in 2019, to participate in their crazy photo shoots. Olivia was born in 2019.

They begin getting dressed for their imagined scenarios, which can be anything from raccoons eating by the trash to mermaids at the pool.

This adorable family from San Diego, California, has more than 304,000 followers on Instagram and rules the platform.

You may see a picture of Zoe as a newborn on this page. Everyone remembers having fun as a child dressing up.

Wearing your mother’s shoes or your father’s glasses is the height of style when you’re four years old.

However, studies have shown that children benefit from and enjoy dressing up with their parents.

Sholom was questioned regarding the origins of his fascination with such items.

When my first daughter Zoe was born, she was my ultimate inspiration and my idol, and I just wanted to take fun pictures with her so she could have a memorable album to look back on later in life, he said.

She was the ultimate inspiration and a Kate Bush when she was born, however I have always loved being stupid and taking ridiculous pictures.

There are countless and nearly limitless ways to engage in imaginary play with the kids; all I need to do is make up a silly scenario, put on a wig, and dress the kids in pretty clothes, and there I am.

Playing with kids or engaging in shared interests can lead to stronger bonds.

We may infer that this family’s bond is rather strong based on how many dress-up occasions they have successfully pulled off.

He added the kids like taking what they call “silly pictures with dad” at home.

It really is just an extension of our frequent playtime together, and when you have as many clothing and accessories as we do at home, every moment has the potential to be fun.

After having so many and keeping count, there had to be at least one dress-up that stood out as the most entertaining to make.

He said, “I think my best was the photo shoot when the kids made me look like a princess.

Only because the kids preferred that one the most was it the most enjoyable.

From painting my fingernails to almost poking my eye out with an eyelash pencil, it was a nonstop laughter festival.

We were interested in seeing how people reacted to the popular photo shoots of him with his daughters.

There was such a huge worldwide response from children to grandmothers, which has been fantastic to watch, he said, regardless of one’s language or age.

The most intriguing aspect of the public’s reaction, he said, was that it didn’t matter.

In his final statement, the author said, “I simply genuinely appreciate the reception the photographs and videos have garnered, and I hope it offers a little pleasure to everyone who sees it.”

This is a lovely example that gently reminds all parents to interact with their children more.

It’s important to create memories for them when they’re little because they grow up so rapidly.

Do you play with your kids or engage in enjoyable activities with them? Add your own comment to this.