What skills do kids possess? You will be astounded when you look at them! The most astounding thing about them is how many of them exhibit their skill when they are young and use them to achieve tremendous heights even before they enter school. There is no doubt that we should be proud of these kids.
We should also acknowledge their parents’ dedication to their education. Just look at this kid! She truly is great. Nine-year-old Angelica Hill began singing at the age of two.
And she has the most beautiful voice! The girl’s parents could never have predicted five years ago that she would find herself on the main stage of a talent event. After all, her kidneys were deteriorating, and she had bilateral pneumonia. The girl made it through, thanks to her mother’s kidney!
It’s truly miraculous that she’s on this show. Enjoy the amazing voice of the girl! Even the jury members’ hearts were broken by her ability to move them to tears. Let’s enjoy the amazing singing of Angelica Hill and send this video to all of your friends.
Watch the video here: