Mom issues warning after her child nearly lost his sight due to bath toy…

The majority of children like bath time at the end of the day, and the more toys in the water, the better.

However, a woman in Illinois is warning parents that an apparently harmless bath toy might be detrimental to children after her young son was involved in a horrible accident that may result in his loss of vision.

While washing her two-year-old son Baylor, Eden Strong detected discomfort in his eye. Although she blamed it on the water in his eye, Baylor’s eye got worse after he took a bath.

Her son contracted cellulitis, a potentially deadly bacterial skin infection. In just 12 hours, his eye went from being pink to being infected.

**CAUTION** So I acquired some information. I’ve been sitting on this information for a few months because the visuals are so terrible.

She posted on Facebook, “His eye was protruding from his face,” and her post has since gone viral. It was rather hazy. He had a very high temperature.

“I sobbed the entire way to a larger hospital, praying he would not pass out.

The next week was really eerie. The severity of his cellulitis affected his eyes and face. Thankfully, his eyes healed, despite the doctors’ warning that he might lose sight in the worse eye.

A squirting bathtub toy led to Baylor’s catastrophic eye injury.

**CAUTION** So I acquired some information. I’ve been sitting on this information for a few months because the visuals are so terrible.

The lady informed me later that you can’t stop the growth of bacteria in those types of toys, as the water never completely drains from them.

Eden shared gruesome photographs of her son’s scars on Facebook to notify other parents. Since then, 192,000 people have shared the post. Photographs of other parents’ children who had gone through similar experiences flooded Eden.

Strong stated her hope that bath toy makers will take this into consideration.

Since then, she has discarded all of Baylor’s squeezable toys.

“I think those toys, in particular, are wonderful. They are delightful. Despite their simplicity and low cost, they are not worthwhile.

What a scary experience this family experienced; I’m so glad Baylor is okay.

Please send this to other parents as a warning.