Stacy and Babajide, from Lagos, Nigeria, wanted their darling daughter to have a brother, as do many other parents.
However, the results of their ultrasound shocked her and her husband.
Stacy, a 31-year-old Nigerian lady, was overjoyed to find she was having twins. However, she had no idea what to anticipate once she began giving birth.
When Stacy arrived at the hospital for her planned cesarean surgery, she was overjoyed. The mother knew that her newborn sons, Daniel and David Omirin, were well on their way, but when she saw their features, she and her husband were startled.The remarkable twins were born on February 26th, 2019, just a few minutes apart. However, Daniel and David had little in common other than their large brown eyes.
Daniel was born with a dark complexion and wavy black hair, almost identical to his elder sister Demilade. In contrast, David was born with golden locks and a white complexion.
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Stacy and her husband are both Black, so the boys’ diverse appearances were a delightful surprise.
“We did not know about their differences while I was pregnant; the scan did not show such, so it was a huge surprise and the most amazing moment when the first twin (Daniel) came out with black hair and the second twin (David) came out with gold hair,” Stacy said with Bored Panda. She continued:
“I had them through CS, and the doctors said, ‘It appears you are having totally unidentical twins.'” Before I knew it, nurses were coming out to examine them.”
The twins’ appearance astonished and perplexed onlookers. Stacy claims that many people find it difficult to accept that she is the mother of both children or that Babajide is their father.
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The mother was pleased and unconcerned about the infants’ appearance upon delivery. She can vividly recall the nurse’s remarks as Daniel emerged.
“Daniel arrived first, and the nurse remarked the second baby has golden hair. I wondered how this was possible. “I looked down and saw David; he was completely white,” Stacy told The Daily Mail.
However, she was unsure how her spouse would respond. Fortunately, he replied like most fathers would.
“Their father was overjoyed and instantly christened My Twin 2 (David) ‘Golden,’ thus he affectionately calls him Mr. Golden. He was pleased to see his boys. He stood for more than ten minutes marveling at them, saying he was simply admiring God’s magnificent craftsmanship and that they were his finest gift ever,” Stacy added.
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Obviously, the twins have the same mother and father. But David was born with a disease known as oculocutaneous albinism. It is an uncommon genetic condition that results in a lack of pigmentation in the skin, eyes, and/or hair, giving albinos a distinct appearance.
The mom of three worried about David’s physical health and how people would react to him. The issue is linked to medical concerns such as photosensitivity and vision impairments. Fortunately, David has not had any severe health difficulties.
According to some statistics, about two million persons in Nigeria have albinism. According to the World Health Organization, one in every 5,000 to 15,000 persons in Sub-Saharan Africa is born with albinism.
Albinism affects around one in every 20,000 persons in Europe and North America. Living with albinism in Nigeria is not simple. Fortunately, Stacy has not yet experienced this discrimination and questioning.
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“There’re always side talks whenever we go out; people often wanna know how and what’s happening, and maybe due to their cute and adorable nature, you just wanna come close to say hello,” she tells me.
Because of their remarkable beauty, modeling companies have approached the family, requesting that David and Daniel participate in their advertisements.
Stacy, a clothes designer, would love to see her sons pursue modeling careers. She is now concentrating on educating others about David’s illness and increasing awareness.
As of today, the mother has started an Instagram account where people can learn more about the boys and watch them grow up.
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Although the guys are twins and best friends, they have quite distinct personalities and hobbies. Daniel enjoys food and is more extroverted. David likes to take a step back and examine his surroundings. But both sons are nice , kind youngsters.
“People say, “Excuse me, madam, which of the children is yours?” I just claim they are both mine, and people stare at me as if I am kidding. But, as their mother, I was also astonished when they were born. When the doctor told me my children were not similar, I had no idea what to expect. They had different hair and skin colors, and I couldn’t believe it, so I’m not surprised that others do too.”
So nice! It’s enjoyable to read about and see images of David and Daniel; they’re very cute.