Are there VHS cassettes gathering dust on a shelf somewhere? Perhaps you have already regained the room, and they are sitting in a long-forgotten attic. Hopefully, you didn’t throw them away, since it turns out there could be a market for certain old tapes. Modern directing techniques for movie releases and re-releases typically include adding or altering footage from the theatrical version. While some individuals don’t mind or even love the adjustments, others believe the original cut is worth the high price. This leads to the sale of some tapes at exorbitant prices on eBay, with one Beauty and the Beast video fetching a staggering $9,999. For space considerations, the original Beauty and the Beast removed the song “Human Again” before including it in the 2002 special version.
Collectors may find Disney cassettes particularly valuable for various reasons. Reddit member Reddit_Executive speculates that, due to the special branding on initial releases, these movies may fetch quite a bit: “A black diamond with Walt’s autograph appears on the spines of certain VHS (and BetaMax) tapes.