Blogger Mikayla Saravia is from the United States. She’s 24 and resides in Florida’s beautiful state. Eight million people follow the girl. Although the conventional size is 9 cm, she has a length of 16.5 cm, which helped her attract an uncommon audience.
In the sixth grade, Mikayla first became aware of this trait. At first, it was just an amusing fact, but soon after, the girl started uploading pictures to the network, recording movies, and otherwise demonstrating how much longer her tongue is than most people’s tongues.
All of this garnered a sizable and engaged audience, which greets each new shot with enthusiasm: All social media accounts that Mikayla has set up are being regularly maintained.
There, she makes publications on demand, sells advertising, and occasionally grants customers’ wishes in exchange for payment. The girl also has a website selling mementos. All of these items, including phone covers, T-shirts, and calendars, include pictures of Mikayla.
The young woman turned her name into the KUSH brand. It makes personal toys in addition to mementos. The approach aspires to create a vast commercial empire. She claims her mum inspires her:
My mother is the person I most look up to. She is a really powerful woman, and I adore her. Despite being so young, I’m pleased of my accomplishments, including running my own business.
Mikayla discussed her income in 2019. She received between $900 and $3,000 at the time for an advertisement. She only had 2 million subscribers back then; today, she has four times as many. The girl made $50,000 throughout the course of 2018.
Despite her celebrity and success, Mikayla prefers to be viewed as a normal teenage girl. In addition, Mikayla started writing her own music and built a photo studio in her home. To support her family and those in need, she wants to grow her business to new heights.