This brave baby hero, who underwent two bone marrow transplants, will brighten your day! VIDEO attached!

Leah Carroll, who is only four years old, is already well-known online due to her highly outgoing demeanor and upbeat outlook on life.

Although this adorable young girl has experienced a lot in her life, she never lost hope.

Leah had a disorder called severe congenital neutropenia, which is characterized by an unusually low number (deficiency) of neutrophils, a type of white blood cell that is involved in inflammation and infection resistance.

Due to her condition, Leah had to undergo two significant bone marrow transplant procedures. She had to stay in the hospital for several days as a result, but after she began to feel better, she celebrated her recovery by singing the lyrics to the song “Overcomer” in the cutest way imaginable.

Leah’s singing video captured millions of hearts. She’s an overcomer, the caption read. graft vs. host illness, septic shock, 2 bone marrow transplants, and 325 days spent in the hospital away from home. Leah is evidence of God’s mercy and grace in our lives through it all. The rights to this music are not mine.

She received a lot of good wishes from people, who said, “She’s going to control the world with such strength and love! Something that is sorely needed right now! For her, her music actually came to life! Awesomeness overload! God’s blessings are upon you constantly, you darling child!

Her mother, Lindsay, revealed that a donor they identified through the website Be the Match made it possible for her daughter’s bone marrow transfusions, which ultimately saved her life.

The family owes a debt of gratitude to Holly Robinson, a teacher, for putting Leah on the path to recovery.

She is a teacher by day and a member of the Navy reserve, so it’s cool for me to think that Leah has a little piece of that in her, Lindsay said in reference to the donor.

The patient’s family desires greater understanding of the value of bone marrow donation. Isn’t it wonderful to be in a position to save a life?

Check out the video below for more!