This is what giving up coffee for 10 days actually does to your body, and what occurs afterward…

We’re all guilty of counting on cups of coffee to get us through each day. Or maybe your vice is another caffeinated beverage, like tea or soda. Caffeine can increase our alertness, but it can also have serious adverse effects. These may include shakiness, sleeplessness, headaches, and dizziness.

Despite this, estimates suggest that Americans consume over 40 million cups of coffee daily. Caffeine can take up to 10 hours to leave our bloodstream, but what happens if you eliminate caffeine from your diet completely? Fortunately, science can provide an answer to this issue.

The negative news is that withdrawal symptoms can appear rather quickly.
Within 12 to 24 hours of quitting coffee, you may have severe headaches, excessive exhaustion, and nausea or vomiting. Symptoms include anxiety and irritation, perspiration, depression, and difficulty concentrating. These might persist for up to ten days, according to WebMD. As horrible as that sounds, the long-term rewards are well worth it. Over time, you will notice that your anxiety levels decrease. According to the website, consuming less caffeine reduces the body’s fight-or-flight reaction. As your body’s dependence on caffeine decreases, you’ll be able to sleep better. You will not only spend more quality time in bed, but also less time in the restroom. Caffeine serves as a laxative; thus, avoiding it will result in fewer toilet trips and more regular bowel movements.

Cutting down on caffeine will also benefit your skin, the body’s largest organ, because it reduces the signs of aging. That’s because the medicine reduces the pace at which your body produces collagen, which helps your skin stay tight and elastic. Another advantage is having stronger and whiter teeth. Caffeine-containing beverages are often dark and acidic, staining our less-than-white teeth. Without coffee drying us out, our mouths will produce more saliva, which is an important factor in battling germs. So, expect better teeth all around. Finally, drinking caffeinated beverages causes an increase in blood pressure. Uncontrolled high blood pressure can cause a variety of consequences, including heart attacks and strokes. A more steady blood pressure reduces your risk. But don’t throw out your coffee immediately. Experts recommend avoiding abruptly eliminating caffeine. The easiest approach to alleviating withdrawal symptoms is to gradually switch to decaf beverages.