To show how one can change into a different woman, a 24-year-old son brought his 44-year-old mother to a beauty show!

A 24-year-old man and his mother appeared on the morning show “Fashion Sentence.” The woman’s name is Larisa, and she is 44 years old.

She looks young and attractive. At first, the judges couldn’t understand why Larisa needed to transform when everything was already fine with her.

However, the son explained that his mother is in a panic about her age and cannot accept it. For this reason, she dresses in a youthful manner, primarily choosing denim clothing. She tries to socialize with young people, particularly her son’s peers, who are 20-year-old guys.

The son wanted his mother to have decent clothes and a worthy man who could make her happier.

Larisa did not share her son’s point of view and said that she was not interested in communicating with her peers. She prefers communicating with young people like her son. As a result, she doesn’t even glance at older men.

At first, Larisa showcased the outfits her son had chosen. The woman’s beautiful figure and tall stature ensured that all the outfits fit well. Upon initial inspection, the bottom was not visible.

So it turned out quite provocative. The shirtdress was short and exposed the heroine’s legs. A 44-year-old woman doesn’t need that. The hosts recommended wearing at least skinny jeans. These will instantly transform the outfit from vulgar to modern.

The second outfit is acceptable, but it requires a different pair of shoes. If you keep these shoes, then the tights should be a different color. Overall, it turned out well. It is clear that the protagonist’s son has taste and knows how to choose clothes.

He just needs to pick up some subtleties to confidently become a stylist. The judges made humorous remarks about the young man. The hosts appreciated this outfit due to its tasteful design.

The third look is light and airy, so it’s important to choose different shoes. Above all, a leather jacket is essential. The leather jacket will create a modern and stylish look.

Although they praised the judge’s son’s work, they suggested that his mother should wear more stylish and age-appropriate clothing.

As expected, Larisa went to the room with the stylists. After she came out, her son gasped and couldn’t contain his emotions.

The woman was cut and dyed. The modern haircut immediately made her look younger. One should take into account the professional makeup that highlighted her youth.

Larisa began to appear more like her son’s peers. Consider adding a modern, restrained outfit.

The second outfit was equally striking. Larisa was wearing a light dress, rough boots, and a beautiful coat.

The fanny pack didn’t quite match the outfit.

Most likely, a regular bag would have looked much better.

The third outfit was delicate and feminine. The blue dress refreshed the heroine’s face, making her look younger.

Larisa was surprised that she could look young and attractive even in a long dress.

Both the son and the mother went home pleased because the transformation was successful.