Woman cries after seeing a viral photo of a boy standing at a flagpole…

Stacey Philpot had taken a vacation from social media to spend time with her family when a friend hurriedly texted her to warn her not to look at a popular photo. The image in question showed a young man standing in front of the local high school. She took a closer look, perplexed.

When Stacey Philpot saw a viral photo, she understood precisely what had happened. (Photo courtesy of Facebook)

The child in the photo turned out to be Stacey’s son, Hayden. The young man was standing alone in front of Lake Minneola High School, facing the flagpole. As she looked through the comments, she realized why her son’s photo had gotten so much attention.

“As I scrolled through the pictures, it hit me—the boy who stood alone at the pole was my boy,” Stacey said on her blog. “They were talking about my son.”

Hayden arrived early for “See You at the Pole” day, when students congregate around their school’s flagpole to pray for their town. This year, though, was different. Nobody else showed up when it was time to start. Hayden recognized at that point that he would be praying for his family, school, and city on his own. So he did exactly that.

Hayden Philpot, Stacey Philpot’s son, was photographed in front of his high school’s flagpole. (Photo courtesy of Facebook)

“At first, my son thought he’d just pray until someone else came along. He eventually understood that no one else was coming. Then his heart’s cry altered. “He asked God to do something with his aloneness,” Stacey wrote.

Hayden’s trust was unshaken despite the lack of assistance. Without hesitation, the adolescent lowered his head and prayed to the Lord on behalf of his community.

Stacey Philpot, indescribably pleased with her son, contacted him right away, informing him that his solitary moment of prayer had been videotaped and that people were appreciating his fortitude.

“You should know that people in our community are going crazy about a young man who stood at a flagpole alone and prayed this morning,” Stacey texted her son at school. They are discussing what an incredible young man he must be and how proud his parents should be. And I want you to know how proud your parents are of you. You are an incredible young man. “I adore you to pieces.”

Hayden was the only kid who showed up to pray for his town on “See You at the Pole” day, so he prayed alone. (Photo courtesy of Facebook)

Hayden glanced over the social media comments when he came home from school. With tears in his eyes, he told his mother what he had prayed for.

“He told me, with awe in his voice, that while he stood alone and prayed, his heart’s scream had been, ‘God, as people drive by, let them wonder; let their hearts be pierced.’ He chuckled and remarked, ‘It’s weird since he replied in such a large way!'”

Hayden’s main prayer, above all others, was that God use him as a light for people around him. His plea was miraculously fulfilled in a far larger way.

Hayden asserted that he prayed for God to “prick their hearts” in the presence of everyone who witnessed him praying. (Photo courtesy of Facebook)

Hayden had no idea that his small act would bring his mother comfort and joy. Stacey had been feeling guilty about not giving her children enough time and attention, and her son’s loyalty has given her hope.