The bride turned her focus away from the groom during the exchange of vows to two strange guests: the groom’s ex-girlfriend and their kid. Everyone sobbed in response to her words.
When Katie Musser wed in 2017, she wasn’t your typical bride. The woman shifted her focus from herself and her groom to her new stepson as he entered the ceremony.
Not only that, but the bride also included a few words in tribute to Casey Bender, her husband’s former colleague. The woman’s impassioned statement was underscored by this poignant moment that was caught on camera.
She spoke to Bender and Landon, who was four years old. She offered to be a better “bonus mum” and invited the young kid to be her friend. We are family, always, she said.
The response from the groom was unmistakable. He started crying when he saw his future wife welcoming their son and ex-girlfriend into their new family. She not only expressed her joy at having a blended family, but she also openly expressed her unwavering love for them.
The bride’s action pleasantly surprised Bender. She claimed that just getting a wedding invitation was sufficient. She was surprised by the incredibly strange experience, nevertheless. Bender continued
“It was a remarkable and selfless move for her to take even three minutes out of her day on a day when everything was about her and the groom. She wasn’t required to.
The two women had a complicated history and weren’t always close. Bender met her future husband while still a student. He had recently become the father of Bender’s child, despite the fact that they were no longer dating.
There were a lot of rumors about their relationship at the time, and Bender was furious that he had left her. The bride finally reached out to Bender and made an effort to make things right.
They initially discussed ways they could act more appropriately for Landon’s sake. However, they soon started interacting with each other more amicably. Bender clarified:
Beyond Landon, we developed a strong bond.
They weren’t prepared for how similar the two women would be, but they are now close friends. Bender has also remarried, and Landon is shared between the two couples. The Pennsylvanians, who live many hours apart, are figuring out their family arrangements.
Musser claimed that as she worked on her vows, she became aware of a gap in them. Bender and Landon needed to be thanked.
Her pledge was fulfilled after she had put her vows in writing for them. Her fiance’s emotional response suggested that it was the ideal way to cap off their special day.
Here is the video: