The boy had excellent artistic appearance in addition to performing a fantastic song… Wait until you hear what the judges said!

The popularity of the American talent show has long eclipsed that of all TV programs. The competition has featured numerous brilliant adults, kids, and even animals over the years. Although it is impossible to recall every performance, some stand out and stick in the judges and audience’s memories.

One of them was Jimmy Herrod. What is the secret to success is a question that is frequently asked. Because of this, some candidates with exceptional talent do not get past the audition stage, while others with less talent do.

Personal empathy, charisma, and the music of choice are all very significant factors in this situation. After all, not every song allows the performer to fully open up or display their vocal prowess.

Jimmy Herrod is a gifted young man who is both an artist and a songwriter. Jimmy has a lot of imagination. At Cornwall University, he earned a BA in music composition and performance, and at Portland State University, he earned an MA in jazz studies. Jimmy was employed by the renowned musical theater as well.

Jimmy picked the song “Tomorrow” from the classic “Annie” to perform. However, one of the judges remarked it was his least personal favorite when he entered the stage, introduced himself, and played the song. The young man found it offensive to hear such a viewpoint and understood that the song might prevent him from continuing. But he was unable to alter anything.

Jimmy announced that he had no other songs ready but will sing “Tomorrow” nevertheless. He sang in a manner and with a style all his own. Everyone was surprised by the manner he performed this song. The song had a whole fresh tone. The judge even jokingly said that this song is now his favorite. Jimmy thanked everyone in the room. He advanced to the next round after receiving a golden buzzer.

Jimmy is currently Pink Martini’s vocalist, traveling the globe, and has already finished recording his solo album.

Check out the video bellow!