There is a joke: “When Google can’t help, people turn to Questions.” The heroine of this story faced a similar situation. She found herself in a difficult situation. It’s difficult to say how exactly this scenario came to be, but a very expensive Chinese porcelain set was at stake.
Out of desperation, she described her dilemma on the internet, unexpectedly triggering a storm of emotions. 16,000 shares and 456 comments—that’s no joke! Here are the 15 most epic responses (not without a grain of rationality) that Madame received…
1. Construct the same house with the same interior, but ensure that you place the plates correctly on the shelf. Done! Now demolish the first house!
2. It all depends on the cost: if the plates are cheap, open the door. If not, break the glass on the right side.
3. Flood the house with water, then open the door without any risk.
4. Go to Hogwarts, find Dumbledore, ask for a timer, and set everything right.
5. Sell it and the plates to a museum for a “Frozen Time” exhibit.
6. Lay the cabinet on its back and take out everything you need.
7. Exit the game without saving and start over.
8. Gently open the door and fill the entire space with expanding foam.
9. Wrap the cabinet in packing film and leave it for your grandchildren to deal with, or save it as a dowry for your daughter.
10. Recipe: Uncover a bottle of good red wine and drink a little. Wait for your husband, then start an argument out of nowhere. In the heat of the fight, approach and open the door. Blame everything on your husband. And that’s it! You’re smart! He will apologize and buy a new set.
11. Try pressing Ctrl + Z. It should work!
12. If you love puzzles, buy ceramic glue, open the door, and you’ll have a hobby for the next year!
13. Simply call your cabinet “Schrödinger’s Cabinet” and charge people to see it!
14. Break down the wall adjacent to the cabinet.
15. Ask someone on the internet…
In principle, there are indeed sensible tips (for example, demolishing the house!), but the situation is still a deadlock; whoever makes the first move loses. In this situation, what advice would you give?