The Disney princess film “Beauty and the Beast” is one of the most cherished ones. The film has become even more well-known because to the excellent music. The movie’s title song is performed by Angela Lansbury, one of the voice actors.
Angela is clad in a deep crimson velvet gown and is positioned in front of a sizable orchestra. Flowers in those colors—red, pink, and white—decorate the stage. Angela is joined in song by the Tabernacle Choir.
She begins to talk and describes how she was asked to sing this song but declined because of her concerns. I wondered, “My gosh, Can I ever do this lovely lyric justice?” said Angela.
As the orchestra begins to play and the voices of the Tabernacle choir harmonize, Angela gives a description of how she came up with the voice of “Mrs. Potts” before starting to sing.
She begins quietly and sings alone; when the music intensifies, she follows suit and raises her hands. She sings a line during the second verse, and the choir then sings it back to her. The chorus of the song features everyone singing together, and it is just stunning.
The last soft note is held out by Angela, who cites Mrs. Potts as saying, “Into the cupboard with you, Chip. You should be in bed now. “Goodnight, love,” she says, waving and grinning. She smiles kindly and greets the audience as the cheers echo around the auditorium.
The songs by Alan Menken and the lyrics by Howard Ashman contributed significantly to the success of the 1991 film. Even though Angela Lansbury initially resisted singing this song due to her advanced age, it is difficult to envision anybody else performing it. The renowned Angela Lansbury performed it in just one take, and it has since become a timeless classic.
Watch the vide here: