Children eagerly await the arrival of the tooth fairy, who will remove their baby tooth and leave behind a few pennies or dollars. Most parents save their child’s first lost tooth but discard subsequent ones.
If your children are still young, you may wish to keep all of their lost baby teeth. Scientists and physicians advise parents to save their child’s teeth for unexpected reasons.
Stem cells found in teeth might potentially save lives later on.
Stem cells can cure conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and some cancers.
Patients with these diseases frequently face lengthy wait times for a matched bone marrow donor. If your child receives a diagnosis of one of these disorders and you retain their baby teeth, you can use the stem cells in their teeth for therapy, thereby eliminating the need for them to wait for someone else.
If your child requires tooth extraction (e.g., wisdom teeth), consider preserving them with their dentist.
No parent enjoys the thought of their child developing a terrible disease. Taking precautions to protect infant teeth can aid in future treatment.