When a guy notices a bag on the street, he got afraid because it was moving… Then…

A man and his dog were out and about in New York when they came across something awful close to a railroad track.

They came to a bag that was encircled by five other bags and appeared to be moving.

Further inspection led to the man finding a tiny dog inside! They were lucky because they knew exactly what to do, and their quick thinking might have prevented the puppy from dying.

While authorities search for solutions, Choco the dog is still recuperating and adjusting to people.

The man spotted Choco inside 2 plastic bags, inside a zippered sports bag. The handles of the plastic bags were similarly secured.

Since the bags were all covered with pee, the dog must have been inside for a while. The man understood that he had to move immediately.

Following a long-awaited veterinary examination, Choco was sent to a caring foster home. She is not yet prepared, despite the fact that many people have expressed interest in adopting the brave puppy.

However, there are lots of other needy animals out there that are looking for a forever home.