At 12 years old, he stepped onstage, his hopes dashed by the stinging words: “Get a singing teacher.” Unlike most people, he saw that as the start. With every ounce of effort, he transformed rejection into resolution, refining his trade in silent resistance.
Two years later, he reappeared on the same platform, no longer a youngster but a formidable opponent. As the opening chords of “Hallelujah” filled the air, his haunting, strong, and unrelenting voice plunged the audience into a hushed, breathless quiet. As the judges smashed the Golden Buzzer, launching him into a shower of confetti, tears welled up in their eyes, proving once and for all that grit and aspirations can overcome any obstacle.
There are many excellent performances on the Got Talent presentations, but just a handful stand out in the long run. This is one of the standouts for us, and I hope you like it as much as we did.
Kyle Tomlinson of Sheffield, England, is only 15 years old, yet this is his second audition for America’s Got Talent. The first time was two years ago, when he was just twelve. When the judges rejected him, David Williams advised him to “get a singing teacher.”
Two years later, Kyle had done the exact same thing. He hired a singing tutor and created a rendition of Leonard Cohen’s classic “Hallelujah” that had the audience cheering and the judges giving him a standing ovation, including David.
You’ll adore it. Please leave us a Facebook comment with your thoughts after watching the complete video below!