This sad grandfather sent his daughter a message after she excluded her gay son from the family…

A grandpa once wrote a moving letter to his daughter after she kicked his son out of the family since he had been gay just several years before.

The letter frequently reappeared on social media due to its significance.

Many people have remarked on how skillfully written the letter is.

The message and point made by this grandpa are timeless.

The letter reportedly first appeared on the FCKH8 Facebook page, according to Gawker.

A spokesman claimed that Chad, the 16-year-old kid mentioned in the letter, delivered it to the man.

In response to his daughter Christine’s statements that his son is “a disgrace to the family” and an “abomination,” the grandfather writes a letter.

She is equally astounded that he is gay because she did not nurture him that way.

As translated, the letter reads: “Dear Christine,

I’m regretful you let me down as your daughter. Although you are mistaken about who the scandal in the family is, you are right that there is one.

Chad being removed from your home only because he came out to you is the real “abomination” in this situation.

Rejecting your child makes you an “unnatural” parent.

You’ve only ever told me one wise thing, “You didn’t raise your son to be gay.”

Evidently, I didn’t. Even though he was left-handed by birth, he didn’t want to be.

But you did choose to be mean, narrow-minded, and stupid. If we decide to disown the kids, I think I will take the opportunity to say goodbye to you.

I don’t have time for a heartless girl right now because I’m too busy taking care of my amazing grandson.

If you locate your heart, you can call us.

Because the identity of the teenager and his grandpa was never made public, it is difficult to verify the story.

But this grandpa and his grandson received a lot of help.

This heartwarming message of encouragement, compassion, and hope has gone viral for a reason.